Thin your printing costs!

Tired of high printing costs? Here are some tips of the trade to avoid the pit falls of the printing industry.

The land of print can be difficult to navigate and very costly too. Below are some hints and tips about the printing industry and how you can save money for your business.

Bulk printing can save you money, but what are the downfalls?

If you have a mid-to-large sized company, you may have considered bulk printing for cost efficiency – this means printing more stock than you need and storing it in a warehouse.

The positives of doing this is that you will save money on printing costs, while ensuring colour consistency and a quicker turnaround time.

The negatives of doing this is that you will have to guesstimate your future usage. The problem with this method is that your overstock print will sit around a warehouse, which can warp the paper and render it unusable. Unfortunately, there is a shelf life for paper.

Also keep in mind you will have to pay for storage and will need to have a plan on how to manage this going forward. You may need to implement a print content management system to manage the usage, waste and re-ordering.

Should I print offset or digital? What’s the difference?

Offset printing involves plates being made, which is an additional cost to your print run. You might not know this, but printing plates are thin, flat sheets of metal that are used in printing products like business cards, catalogues, and brochures.  Offset does pose its advantages of cost efficiency, the larger the run the cheaper it will be. When it comes to brand control offset print ensures a better finished product and colour consistency for your brand – this includes paper stock, finishing and ink.

Remember, you cannot guarantee colour consistency from one digital print company to the next – they will all be different. This is because they use different printing machines that have very different processes of laying down the ink on the paper. This process changes how the colour will appear.

If you need a short print run, then a digital print will be your best bet. However, keep in mind that it will cost you more for a short/small run. My suggestion, to ensure a closer colour consistency, is to give your printer something physical to colour match to (a brochure or a flyer). They can try to print as closely as possible to something you have printed previously.

So, you want that custom cut business card…

If you have a funky die cut or a custom finish business card this will bare an additional price tag.  The things you need to consider are your brand’s look and feel. Is this something you really need and can afford the print costs in the long run?

Custom prints are great for that standout brand; however, these types of print runs are offset which does hold a considerable turnaround time. So, if you’re willing to wait and have the cash to spend then a custom look is a great way to stand out from the crowd.

What to look out for when printing:

THINK! Think about colours, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, K=Black – CMYK are the four printing inks that you will pay for every time the printer lays down ink on the paper. The printing company will pay for each toner cartridge, paper cost, and their operational costs. So, remember this when you’re weighing up your printing costs – this is the reason why your printing quotes vary.

Keeping that in mind, here are some tips below to keep your printing costs down:

  • Ensure your black is 100 per cent black. What seems like black can actually be a combination of all four inks. It will seem like its black but be aware because you will be paying for all four inks!
  • Check for SPOT or UV colours– Try and ensure you have your colours in CMYK, otherwise you will be charged more for spot and pantone matching system (pms) colours. There are positives and negatives to using these colour palettes, so be well informed before going ahead. Ask your printer for the cost breakdowns before proceeding with your print job.
  • Check your paper stock– Sometimes going down a GSM of paper can save you money. Don’t be afraid to ask your printer and get a new print estimate.
  • Avoid cheap online printers– Online printers will not offer you the best quality print because after all, you are getting what you paid for, a cheap print run. There won’t be that artwork check for you also. You will get back whatever you sent them.
  • Cheap banners– You will most likely end up with a cheap banner that breaks, go for the middle ground price point to ensure decent quality.
  • Digital– Do you need to print? Can you use a digital letterhead as opposed to a printed one? With a digital letterhead you can update/change and rebrand without the costs associated with reprinting the collateral and it is more sustainable.
  • Have your artwork print ready– To avoid delays and additional costs, ensure your artwork is print ready to the printer’s specifications. Ensure your graphic designer has all the specs they need before they start the creative process.
  • Quote around– Always try and get at least three printing quotes before making your decision.

While printing can make your brand stand out, it’s always best to get the right advice first from a professional – or it could stand out for the wrong reasons. Focused Marketing has the print, marketing and design expertise you need to navigate the complex world of printing. We can help guide you in the right direction without taking a toll on your budget. There are print and promotional solutions out there for every size business and we can help you to get exactly what you need, when you need it.

by Niki Contese, Graphic Designer

Is your website scaring off new clients?

It only takes 50 milliseconds for website visitors to form an opinion about your website (1). That’s 0.05 seconds for you to make an impression, and even if you do end up holding their attention, will they actually contact you?

While there are many website design mistakes that could be the cause of your website scaring off potential clients, in this article I’ve listed the top four that I see affecting service-based businesses every day.

Mistake #1: Bad Layout

If your website was designed over five years ago, then it’s time to refresh. Just like your business services must stay up-to-date and relevant, so should your website. Don’t let your Google listing lure you into false comfort – while your site may rank on the first page of Google, if you’re unable to keep visitors on your page and therefore contact your business – then it’s all for nothing.

You see, when visitors come to an outdated website or one that is difficult to navigate, most of them will click away as quickly as possible, and guess what? They will head straight to your competitors pages instead. A modern design is essential to standing out in the crowded web and for converting those visitors into actual clients.

How to fix it:

  • Visitors tend to scan websites, so ensure you’re grabbing their attention with some clear headings, subheadings, images or videos.
  • Do not bombard them with text. Limit it to 250 words max per message/section, but less is always best.
  • Simplify your menus and check links. Your visitors should smoothly find their way towards the action you want them to take.
  • Get a website refresh done by professional website designers and marketers – design and coding is not something you want to attempt yourself.

TIP: Mobile website viewing took over desktops back in 2016 – it’s now 2020, so time to make sure your website is mobile responsive!

Mistake #2: Missing in Action

Your website has a purpose. Whether you want your visitors to sign-up, buy something, request a quote, or simply contact you – there has to be a clear and prominent call to action.

So, if yours is non-existent or lost in a busy design then you won’t be converting your visitors into clients. Low conversion rates can simply be a result of the call to action getting lost on the page. You need to ensure your call to action button stands out and makes it easy for the visitors to take the desired action.

How to fix it:

Your call to action button is what you want your potential client or customer to do, for example, do you want them to:

  • Call you
  • Email you
  • Fill in a contact form
  • Sign up
  • Come into the office
  • Add to cart and purchase

Defining the call to action is the key, then take the customer on the journey to this action, through your website design and credibility.

Mistake # 3: Poor User Experience

‘Slow to load’ is the worst user experience one can have and the slower your website, the faster your potential client will click elsewhere.

According to surveys nearly half of web users expect a site to load in two seconds or less, and a delay of even one second can reduce your conversions by up to seven per cent (2).

How to fix it:

There are many reasons that can contribute to a slow loading time. Among the common reasons are:

  • Images are too big
  • Too many images and videos in the media library (even if they’re not in use)
  • Too many plugins
  • Outdated plugins
  • Broken links

Mistake #4: No Trust

Your website is asking for your visitor’s time and money, so you need to show you’re credible with what information you are providing and taking from them.

How to fix it:

Your website should provide the visitor with the following:

  1. A clear understanding of what you actually do and for who ­– I’ve seen a lot of beautifully designed websites that have told the customer absolutely nothing about what the business actually does, what problems they can solve and the benefits of contacting them over your competitors. Website copy is vastly different to writing for other mediums, it should be short, clear, impactful, portray your branding through tone, and of course, be SEO friendly.
  2. Prove you are trustworthy– Showcase recent blog content, proving you know what you’re talking about. Ensuring ABNs, addresses, licence numbers, memberships and qualifications are clearly visible on the website. If you have an online store or member login, ensure that you have a current SSL certificate (this is the little padlock in the browser showing it is a secure site).
  3. Represent your brand– Images can be a great way to improve a website, portray a brand and keep visitors on your page, however, if used incorrectly they can slow your website down, make your website appear fake/in-genuine or bring in the wrong target market. Every image you use should be relevant, meaningful, high quality and authentic – yes, even your stock images.

While refreshing your website can make your brand stand out, it’s always best to get the right advice first to avoid costly mistakes. Focused Marketing has the website design, writing and marketing expertise you need to produce a website that brings the clients to you.

There are solutions for every website, regardless of industry and services – we can help your website stand out on the web without taking a toll on your budget this year.


Don’t stop the comms – just make them relevant

While the world is changing and the way we do business most certainly will change for the next few months at least, it’s important for businesses to keep the communication lines open. And keep their marketing going. The only difference is make sure its relevant, compassionate and connects to your audience.

Successful marketing is still governed by the same set of principles whether the world is in chaos or not. Creating communication that effectively connects emotionally with human beings never changes either.
If you think marketing is just an activity or a channel, then you are already behind. Marketing is everything you say and everything you do in your business, all the time.

My advice to all businesses is to plan key messages now and keep communication flowing as the impact of coronavirus continues to reverberate.

The big end of town, with their communication departments and strategists, are likely well ahead of the game, but small and medium size businesses also need to get on the front foot.

  1. Be clear and deliberate in your communication strategy – don’t be sucked into switching to tactical mode without thinking strategically or holistically across your touch points – that means sales, social media and communications all working together.
  2. You need to create confidence in your business and be agile in identifying other market openings or opportunities in the meantime.
  3. Be proactive and compassionate in your messaging. It will stamp your business as a leader in the face of uncertainty and that can carry cache well into the future.
  4. But in the race to get your messages out, don’t forget the importance of internal communication as well. It’s good practice, in uncertain times, for all businesses to reassure employees that plans are in place and any future responses to commercial challenges have been pre-empted rather than made on the run.

Confidence, like charity, should begin at home.
While I don’t have all the answers as to how individual businesses should navigate the way ahead, a clear communication strategy should be key in riding out this business climate, perhaps even rising above, the coronavirus curve ball.

The take-home advice is to keep communication channels open and try to be:

• Helpful
• Relevant
• Constructively distracting or
• Authentically compassionate.

A clear message and strategy will be equated to confidence in your business and, that perception may just be the self-fulfilling prophecy that’s needed.

Stop the automated promo messages as if COVID-19 doesn’t exist and communicate better with your customers.

Tell your customers about your policy and services updates. Tell them how you are taking care of your employees (and them) and tell them about your discounts or charity work – just don’t try to sell them as if nothing is happening.
And if you need help, or want to bounce some ideas around and get the creative juices flowing, we can run a virtual brainstorming session with you or act as a sanity check. All you have to do is email [email protected]

Take a closer look at your website

Most of the world, now confined to their homes, are leaning on the internet more than ever. Be it online shopping, media consumption, webinars, eLearning or business services, one thing is for certain; we are spending more time online now than ever before – where else do we have to go!?

For many businesses, their website is now their shopfront/reception desk/entire business. With all your eggs now firmly in one basket – exactly how secure is that basket? Is it woven tightly enough to ensure your customers travel the whole way through your sales funnel without slipping through the gaps?

Not sure where to start? That is where Focused Marketing comes in. We’ve identified key ‘gaps’ where websites could potentially be losing customers. With our website review, you will receive a customised report on your website’s performance along with a checklist of tasks to complete to bring your website back up to scratch.

Our review includes a comprehensive analysis of the following six criteria

  1. USER EXPERIENCE– Those visiting your website should have a positive experience with no difficulty navigating around the site.
  2. BRANDING– Can they recognise your brand throughout the site?
  3. SEO– Is your website ranking well on Google?
  4. CREDIBILITY– Is your content professional, believable and trustworthy compared to your competitors?
  5. CONVERSION– Is your website targeting the right customers or clients, and are they following through to purchase?
  6. MOBILE RESPONSIVENESS– It is important to ensure your website performs well across all platforms. It is important that the layout of your site adjusts to fit the size of any screen your site is displayed on.

Discover how to improve your website today with an affordable and personalised website assessment from Focused Marketing.

Simply complete our online form and you’ll receive your detailed report within 48 hours of us receiving payment, which includes a recommended action plan and checklist so you can focus on the key areas of website improvement, ensuring your business is putting its best foot forward online.

Click here to get started today!

Bounce rate – what does it mean for your business?

There are plenty of terms ‘bouncing’ around that may not make sense or resonate with you, but bounce rate is one you should pay attention to.

What does it mean?
Bounce rate is a measure of how many people visit your website and don’t interact with any aspect of the page they land on – they haven’t clicked any links, navigated to other pages on your site or even hit ‘read more’ on a blog post. They have landed on your site, and seemingly left immediately without engaging with your content.

A high bounce rate can mean any number of things, some more serious than others. It may simply mean that the visitor was able to glean all the information they required on the page they landed on, or it may mean they ended up on your site by accident and were actually looking for something else. More seriously, it may mean that there is no relevant or engaging content worth interacting with, or your website is either too slow to load or simply does not work.

Where does it come from?
You can locate your bounce rate in Google Analytics, and it is calculated by dividing the number of zero interaction sessions with the total number of sessions (or individual visits to your site).

How can I fix it?
That is where Focused Marketing comes in! We will conduct a comprehensive website review on your behalf, analysing six key areas which will result in a detailed report and a checklist of items requiring attention. Our website review covers the following areas:

  1. USER EXPERIENCE– Those visiting your website should have a positive experience with no difficulty navigating around the site.
  2. BRANDING– Can they recognise your brand throughout the site?
  3. SEO– Is your website ranking well on Google?
  4. CREDIBILITY– Is your content professional, believable and trustworthy compared to your competitors?
  5. CONVERSION– Is your website targeting the right customers or clients, and are they following through to purchase?
  6. MOBILE RESPONSIVENESS– It is important to ensure your website performs well across all platforms. It is important that the layout of your site adjusts to fit the size of any screen your site is displayed on.

Ready to get started? Simply complete our online form and you’ll receive your detailed report within 48 hours of us receiving payment, which includes a recommended action plan and checklist so you can focus on the key areas of website improvement, ensuring your business is putting its best foot forward online.