4 reasons you need brand guidelines

4 reasons you need brand guidelines

A clear and consistent visual identity is essential to the success of any thriving business. Your visual identity communicates your brand personality, sets you apart from competitors, makes your product or service recognisable, and establishes professionalism and trust.

Brand guidelines, also known as style guides, are a set of instructions that define how various aspects of your brand identity should be applied. They outline the rules for visual factors like your logo, typography, colour palette, and collateral, and often also include key messaging, tagline, tone of voice, and other elements of your brand. There are many people who will use your brand – whether it’s employees, marketing agencies, partner organisations, or industry bodies. A clear set of guidelines will provide direction that will ultimately safeguard the quality and integrity of your brand identity.

Here’s our top 4 reasons why brand guidelines are worth investing in:


Establishing consistency across all touchpoints of your brand is critical in driving trust. By providing specific rules for using your brand assets, you can ensure that every piece of content looks and sounds like it comes from your business. This consistency builds trust with your audience and makes your brand more recognisable.


Clear guidelines help all stakeholders use your brand with confidence, especially if they don’t come from a design background. It also helps everyone make decisions on how to represent your brand in different contexts. Brand templates make a huge difference as well – read more on our templating blog.

Save time

Having all of your standards set out in one document makes it easy to reference. Brand guidelines simplify decision-making and streamline design and production processes, saving you time and resources. They also reduce the likelihood of errors, like using the wrong logo or colour, saving time on potential revisions down the track.

Add value

Having a cohesive brand identity will make you appear more professional and trustworthy. By investing in strong and consistent branding, businesses can strengthen their reputation, attract and retain customers, and ultimately increase their bottom line.


Brand guidelines are an essential tool for every business to help build a powerful brand. They foster consistency, clarity, save time and add value.

If your business is in need of a new or refreshed set of guidelines, we’d love to help. Contact us to Make It Happen!

From brainstorm to brand: create a business name that works for you

From brainstorm to brand: create a business name that works for you

Your business name is the first thing people will notice about your brand, and the foundation upon which your brand identity is built, so it’s crucial to choose a name that makes a strong first impression. A great business name can help you:

  • stand out from the competition
  • build brand recognition
  • establish credibility with customers

Your business name should stick in people’s minds and can be easily remembered. It’s vital to invest time in researching potential names before starting your business to avoid the costly and time-consuming process of rebranding in the future. By choosing the right name, you can establish your brand and create lasting customer relationships based on the recognition and association of your business name with your products or services.

A great business name is a game-changer, so don’t settle for a bland or forgettable name!

With over 15 years of experience in helping clients name their businesses, we have compiled a list of top tips to assist you in finding the perfect business name. Consider the following suggestions when searching for a suitable name that will resonate with your target audience and create a lasting impression:

Start with your unique selling proposition

To create a memorable business name, understanding your brand values, personality, vision, target audience, and competitors is key to creating something distinct.

When working with a new client, we conduct a discovery workshop to gain a deep understanding of a brand’s service offering and competitive advantage.

This will help you create a name that stands out.

Read: What happens in a brand discovery workshop?

Find inspiration for your business name

Brainstorm a list of potential business names, draw inspiration from your industry, company history, or personal experiences. Look at the names of your competitors, as well as successful businesses in other industries, for ideas.

Descriptive names are too generic and the LESS it has to do with your category, the better. It will cause fewer trademark hassles, be more distinct, and more memorable.

Focus on what the word reminds you of, over what it means, for example, “Starbucks” is so much better than “The Coffee Club”.

Read: Brand image – why it matters more than you think

Keep it simple and memorable

A simple business name is more memorable than a complex one, so choose a name that is easy to pronounce, spell, and remember. It’ll be easier for customers to find, remember, and share your brand.

Common mistakes include choosing a name that’s too similar to your competitors, using obscure or difficult-to-pronounce words, or choosing a name that’s too long or difficult to remember.

Avoid these mistakes by keeping your name unique, simple, and memorable.

Case study: Rohan Reibelt and Stephen Dionysius approached Focused Marketing to create a brand identity for their new business. We began with an immersive brand discovery workshop to gain a deep understanding of their values and unique selling proposition. In collaboration, we arrived at Venro, a merging of the founders’ first names. The name reflects their close collaboration while resonating with their target audience and conveying a marrying of their innovative, customer-first approach.

Read more about how we created Venro here.

Conduct a trademark search

When shortlisting business names, complete a trademark search to make sure your name is not already in use. A trademark search can help you avoid legal disputes and protect your brand’s intellectual property.

Check for available domain names

Check for available domain names for your business, your domain should match or closely resemble your business name, to make it easier for customers to find you online.

A perfect domain is not as important as one that is easy to find via Google search. Choose a great word with a less than perfect domain over a perfect domain with a less than perfect word.

People don’t type in domains, they search via Google!

When a domain is taken, you can insert words before or after your company name, add an action word, or incorporate geography.

Test and validate your business name

Once you have a shortlist of potential business names, test them with your target audience or focus groups to see how they resonate. Get feedback and suggestions from others, and consider which name best represents your brand and appeals to your target audience.

Plan for future growth and expansion

When choosing your business name, consider your future growth and expansion plans. Will your name still be flexible as your business evolves?

Think about the long-term goals and vision for your business and ensure that the name aligns with this. Does it limit your options for expanding into new products or services?

Choose a name that can grow with your business.

Case study: When ZekiTek first approached Focused Marketing for a brand identity, it was called Smart Chakratec. We worked together with the goal to creating a more-distinct company name, flexible to encompass six product sub-brands. Landing on ZekiTek, the company now has a more-memorable name that will underpin plans for growth.

Read more about naming Zekitek, here.

Finalise and register your business name

Register your chosen name with your state or local government and obtain any necessary licenses or permits. More information on obtaining the right licences and registrations can be found here.

You may also need to register your business name as a trademark or domain name to protect your brand’s identity.


Selecting the perfect name for your new business can be a daunting task, but it’s important not to get too caught up in the process.

Remember that your business name is just the first step in building a successful brand. While it’s crucial to make a good first impression, it’s ultimately up to you to deliver on your promises and exceed customer expectations. So take the time to choose a name that resonates with your vision and values, and then focus your energy on making your business a true success story.

Ready to choose the perfect business name for your brand? Start brainstorming today and see what you come up with!

Have questions or need help choosing a business name? Contact us today and our team will be happy to Make It Happen!

5 reasons you need a graphic designer

5 reasons you need a graphic designer

We get it – when it comes to graphic design, it can sometimes seem like one of those things where you can cut corners. Your friend’s neighbour’s son might say he’s pretty nifty and offer to whip you up a logo in Powerpoint. Or you might be lured in by one of those increasingly ubiquitous online marketplaces that offer design services at prices that are too good to be true. Unfortunately, hiring an amateur designer or attempting to DIY can have a negative impact on your brand image, and consequently, your business. Effective visual communication is crucial to building a trusted, successful brand. Here’s our top 5 reasons why professional design services are worth investing in!

1. Make a positive, lasting first impression

Dodgy design can be an instant turn-off for potential clients or customers. It reflects poorly on your business and can make you appear unprofessional and unreliable. On the other hand, an experienced graphic designer will be an expert in visual communication. They’ll deliver high quality design that will strengthen your brand image, positioning you as a professional, credible brand. One that your customers want to be a part of.

2. Save time and money

“Design adds value faster than it adds costs.” – Thomas C. Gale. Graphic design should be an essential component of your business expenses – your time is better spent doing what you do best in business. A skilled graphic designer can create something far more effective and in a fraction of the time it would take a non-designer, or to attempt yourself. And importantly, they’ll get it right the first time. If you start off with a poorly designed logo or website for example, chances are at some point it will need to be redone and end up costing you all over again. High quality design converts and is a future-proof investment that will pay itself off time and time again.

3. Bespoke designs that are perfect for their purpose

You get what you pay for rings true here. Online marketplaces (like Fiverr and friends) value price and speed, versus quality and care. They can offer such stunningly low rates because of an oversaturation of unskilled designers who frequently produce poor quality and/or unoriginal work. These online marketplaces also give the impression that design should be cheap, and that it has very little worth. This just isn’t the case! Not to mention the exploitative nature of these sites with their high commissions, questionable marketing and other problematic practices. In contrast, engaging a professional graphic designer will ensure you receive original, high quality designs that have been carefully and skilfully tailored for your precise preferences and needs.

Additionally, with the rapid uptake of Canva, we’re noticing the overuse of pre-formatted templated designs on social media. Certain templates start “trending” and are adapted by a huge array of businesses, and their online presences inevitably begin to look very samey. Canva is a great tool, but it’s worthwhile having a designer set up some customised, branded Canva templates to differentiate you from the masses.

4. High quality finished results

A graphic designer will have the creative capabilities, technical prowess and industry-leading software to get you the best results. They’ll have experience in outputting files to the right specifications for a range of digital or printed formats. They’ll know what to check and how to troubleshoot to make sure your finished artwork looks perfect. No pixelated, low-resolution photo or incorrectly formatted logo will stand a chance. They’ll also be happy to talk you through why certain design choices have been made, or advise on paper stocks, special finishes, or creative touches that will elevate the design even further. In short, they’ll be an expert in their field, and will work with you to achieve excellent results.

5. Reap the rewards of consistency

Consistency builds credibility. When you find a designer (or creative team) that you “click” with, it pays to stick with them over time. A good designer will get to know your brand inside out and know how to best translate it visually, and in a cost and time-efficient way. They’ll know your brand style guide front to back, and familiarise themselves with all the nuances of your visual identity. If your design responsibilities are continuously bounced from person to person (especially if they’re inexperienced), discrepancies are likely to slip through. Inconsistency cheapens your visual identity and causes it to lose focus. Building a strong working relationship with an experienced designer pays off, by resulting in consistent and on-brand design that builds customer trust and enables your brand to look its very best.

A good graphic designer is an expert in visual communication; how your brand presents itself to the world – an essential aspect of every business’s success. They want your business to look good, and to thrive. Our experienced team would love to help, so if you’re having doubts in the design department – please get in touch.

Creativity counts

Creativity counts

It’s difficult to get by or get noticed in business these days without creative marketing. In our everyday lives we’re barraged with marketing, and we encounter a huge number of brands on a daily basis – both consciously and subconsciously. When we’re choosing a specific product or service in a sea of similar offerings, the decision can be overwhelming. Therefore it’s important for brands to communicate their message in a unique and original way. To stand out in an increasingly flooded marketplace, creativity really does count.

A creative brand identity along with creative marketing will leverage your brand and make it stand out among your competitors. Sometimes there’s a fear of being “too” different. However, continuously innovating your marketing is key to capturing and holding your audience’s attention. Besides, who wants to be boring?

Creativity is memorable

If you present the same as all of your competitors, what is going to make the consumer remember you? Creative campaigns create a buzz around your brand. Whether it’s a striking and beautifully executed visual, or a clever and unexpected concept that is a bit cheeky and makes you smile – creative ideas engage the consumer and stick in their mind. Creative strategies distinguish your brand from the rest, creating differentiation and driving brand recognition and recall.

Creativity provokes emotional engagement

By surprising, even delighting the consumer with marketing that stands out, you’re more likely to create an emotional connection. As consumers, we are prone to becoming loyal to a specific brand even when the features of the product or service are equivalent (or sometimes even weaker) than their competition. We form emotional attachments to a brand, driven by associations and affiliations we make with their values. Creative marketing can inspire certain emotions – joy, nostalgia, amusement, excitement – that strengthens our connection with the brand and what it stands for. Playing it safe and relying on formulaic marketing tactics is far less likely to evoke an emotional response and make an impact on your audience.

Creativity makes magic

Creativity generates those magic moments in marketing where the consumer truly resonates with your product or service, and is inspired to take action. It is the magic that boosts performance, recognition and makes your brand memorable. So, how do you make magic? Sometimes it might just be divine inspiration but often, like many things, it’s good old-fashioned time, dedication and hard work. It’s taking the time to invest in the creative process. This often means forming a team for a brainstorm or workshop, in order to piece together seemingly unconnected ideas to form new ones.

Know your brand needs a creative boost but feel like you are lacking inspiration? Give us a call – sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes (or four) to spark that creative drive. But with a step outside the box, some imagination, and maybe even a little magic –  we’ll make it happen.

Women supporting women

In honour of Women’s History Month, our team are giving a shout-out to the fearless, passionate, creative, resilient and wonderful women who inspire us.

Kerri, CEO

I am inspired by so many great women in my life. From friends and peers who have overcome the loss of a child or spouse; to those that have battled disease, divorce, created a business, lost a business, completed study whilst managing all of these; faced financial ruin or domestic violence, cared for and nurtured their children and others – both healthy and those with special needs; to the astounding strength and courage of my grandmother and my mother, and to my bright, funny and talented daughters who fill the room with so much joy… you are my inspiration. You are real, you are humble, and you are amazing, just the way you are.

Caitlin, Director of Strategic Marketing

Glitter Girl, aka Ceara McManus, is my inspiration. She’s so full of passion and energy – if it means something to her, she gets behind it 100%. Her list of causes is long, and her action is committed… education, literacy, arts, language, children, sustainability, the environment, her local community… I could go on.

Ceara was born to teach and inspire, with adults and children alike, she leaves a gift of passion for learning with her students. They love her, they thrive.

She’s a busy lady – she has volunteered for Radio Lollipop for ten years and now trains their volunteers internationally. She has recently started The Chalk Crew, to take her passion for children’s literacy to new places. She trains teachers, she supports her community, she is a published academic… oh, and she’s also my sister. I’m a lucky lady.

Ceara McManus in all her colourful glory

Kelsey, Graphic Designer

I find inspiration daily in the countless female creatives pushing boundaries in the design and illustration industry.

Like Mona Chalabi, a data journalist and writer who uses a playful illustrative style of infographic to discuss topical issues and statistics. Her work communicates often complex issues in a highly visual, simplified manner that makes it easy for the viewer to understand.

For many years I’ve followed Asmahan Mosleh (aka Murder and Rose) on social media, and I’m constantly in awe of her stunningly intricate mandala illustrations. Her attention to detail, usage of colour, and level of patience and dedication is outstanding.

I also really admire the work of designer and letterer Hom Sweet Hom, aka Lauren Hom. Her expressive freehand typography and quirky murals always bring a smile to my face. I also love the way Lauren gives back to the design community, through sharing her tutorials and resources, behind-the-scenes tips, and insights into her creative processes.

Lauren Hom with a mural she created at Google’s VR office, San Francisco. Source: www.homsweethom.com

Tracy, Marketing & Administration Assistant

She is resilient, she is fierce, she is nine years old… my daughter is my inspiration. She swims six times a week and would happily live at the pool. It’s her absolute passion.

Last year she tackled the Individual Medley at a swim comp and was disqualified for an incorrect turn. She cried and was distraught… for five minutes… before announcing she would absolutely have to do the IM in the next available comp. She did, and smashed it. Her coach had promised he would run along the pool shouting – he did, and it was magnificent.

When she first started to compete, I remember her climbing out of the pool crying, “it’s too hard, I can’t do it”. I would ask if she wanted to get changed, and she would give me the “death stare”, fold her arms and say “I do not“, before marching back to the pool. Her recent race of choice is the notoriously challenging 100 fly. I explained she didn’t have to do it. “I want to do the race, I just need to work out how.”

Her nickname at the pool is “little one”, but she is anything but.

Tracy’s daughter in action

Casey, Communications & Marketing Consultant

A historical figure I’m inspired by is Emily Dickinson, a famous American poet who was little known in her life yet is now regarded as one of the most influential poets in history. Of her poems I particularly enjoy, I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed and Because I Could Not Stop for Death. I admire the passion and commitment she had for writing and the creativity in her work.

Emily Dickinson. Source: www.poetsociety.org