The Difference Between Wants And Needs

The Difference Between Wants And Needs

Although people say things like ‘I really need a coffee’ and ‘I simply must have those shoes’, clearly these items are not needs.

They are shameless wants.

A need is something you can’t live without. Like shelter, which drifts further into want territory every time an episode of The Block is aired.

Or water, which is now sold as a want because it’s sourced from a mountain and comes in a bottle.

It’s rare for marketers to deal with needs because those things tend to sell themselves. We work almost exclusively in the business of wants.

This is an important distinction because knowing the difference means you can craft your sales messaging more effectively.

Instead of delivering a rational argument that highlights the logical reasons why your product is better than theirs, you can start to create want in the heart of your prospects. You can start to stimulate emotions.

The easiest way to do this is to follow the old rule that favours a benefit over a feature. It dictates that describing a loaf of bread as containing whole grains isn’t as powerful as saying it helps lower cholesterol. Or that it helps digestion and is less fattening.

For the customer, the rational thinking comes later. After the emotional buy-in has already happened and they’re on the hook. Features will help them justify their decision for sure, but in most cases it’s the heartstrings that control the purse strings.


Stevie Smiles, Creative Director

5 Top Tips For Creating Memorable Business Cards

5 Top Tips For Creating Memorable Business Cards

Business cards create an instant impression. In one quick glance they convey more about your business than you probably realise. The design, the finish, the way they feel – each element communicates a message about the quality and credibility of your brand.

So…what are your business cards saying about you?

The first step in creating a memorable business card is knowing your target audience. The second is being clear on the message you want to send.

Keeping your audience front of mind will ensure you make choices that appeal directly to them. Think about how they will use the card as well. A good example is not choosing a white card for an industry such as construction or mining, where chances of the card getting dirty when handled are high.

It is also important to think clearly about the brand message you want to communicate. How do you want this card to position your business? Are you sleek and professional, high-end luxury, or fun and accessible?

Once you’ve locked the key elements of audience and message down, it’s time to focus on the detail.

Here are 5 Top Tips to consider when designing your business card:


Your business card should always incorporate your brand colours. Don’t introduce design elements or colours that are not associated with your brand, apart from white. White can be used to create space and flow, as well as draw your attention to text and design elements.


Confession time…I’m obsessed with the texture and weight of different paper stocks. Choosing the right stock is an easy way to create a business card that is instantly memorable. Different stocks feel different to touch. An uncoated stock has a raw, matt feel, while a glossy stock feels smooth to touch. Textured stocks create a tactical experience that can become a talking point. The rules are simple. Go for a paper stock that will appeal to your audience and that suits your brand. For example, a raw textured stock is a great option for a natural or organic brand. 


This is where you think about shape, size and any special design features. While an unusual shape – such as a square or a card with rounded edges can be memorable – be careful not to make it impractical. The top tip is to make sure your business card fits easily into the card slots of a standard size wallet. 


Adding a unique treatment to your business card can instantly add a level of professionalism and style. There are a wide range of treatments available from embossing and foiling, to varnishing and die cutting. While they come at a higher cost than a standard card, the impact is also superior. 

Remember, your business card is the impression you leave in the hands of contacts and potential clients/customers. Make sure your card is sending the message you want to communicate to the world.