Your business name is the first thing people will notice about your brand, and the foundation upon which your brand identity is built, so it’s crucial to choose a name that makes a strong first impression. A great business name can help you:

  • stand out from the competition
  • build brand recognition
  • establish credibility with customers

Your business name should stick in people’s minds and can be easily remembered. It’s vital to invest time in researching potential names before starting your business to avoid the costly and time-consuming process of rebranding in the future. By choosing the right name, you can establish your brand and create lasting customer relationships based on the recognition and association of your business name with your products or services.

A great business name is a game-changer, so don’t settle for a bland or forgettable name!

With over 15 years of experience in helping clients name their businesses, we have compiled a list of top tips to assist you in finding the perfect business name. Consider the following suggestions when searching for a suitable name that will resonate with your target audience and create a lasting impression:

Start with your unique selling proposition

To create a memorable business name, understanding your brand values, personality, vision, target audience, and competitors is key to creating something distinct.

When working with a new client, we conduct a discovery workshop to gain a deep understanding of a brand’s service offering and competitive advantage.

This will help you create a name that stands out.

Read: What happens in a brand discovery workshop?

Find inspiration for your business name

Brainstorm a list of potential business names, draw inspiration from your industry, company history, or personal experiences. Look at the names of your competitors, as well as successful businesses in other industries, for ideas.

Descriptive names are too generic and the LESS it has to do with your category, the better. It will cause fewer trademark hassles, be more distinct, and more memorable.

Focus on what the word reminds you of, over what it means, for example, “Starbucks” is so much better than “The Coffee Club”.

Read: Brand image – why it matters more than you think

Keep it simple and memorable

A simple business name is more memorable than a complex one, so choose a name that is easy to pronounce, spell, and remember. It’ll be easier for customers to find, remember, and share your brand.

Common mistakes include choosing a name that’s too similar to your competitors, using obscure or difficult-to-pronounce words, or choosing a name that’s too long or difficult to remember.

Avoid these mistakes by keeping your name unique, simple, and memorable.

Case study: Rohan Reibelt and Stephen Dionysius approached Focused Marketing to create a brand identity for their new business. We began with an immersive brand discovery workshop to gain a deep understanding of their values and unique selling proposition. In collaboration, we arrived at Venro, a merging of the founders’ first names. The name reflects their close collaboration while resonating with their target audience and conveying a marrying of their innovative, customer-first approach.

Read more about how we created Venro here.

Conduct a trademark search

When shortlisting business names, complete a trademark search to make sure your name is not already in use. A trademark search can help you avoid legal disputes and protect your brand’s intellectual property.

Check for available domain names

Check for available domain names for your business, your domain should match or closely resemble your business name, to make it easier for customers to find you online.

A perfect domain is not as important as one that is easy to find via Google search. Choose a great word with a less than perfect domain over a perfect domain with a less than perfect word.

People don’t type in domains, they search via Google!

When a domain is taken, you can insert words before or after your company name, add an action word, or incorporate geography.

Test and validate your business name

Once you have a shortlist of potential business names, test them with your target audience or focus groups to see how they resonate. Get feedback and suggestions from others, and consider which name best represents your brand and appeals to your target audience.

Plan for future growth and expansion

When choosing your business name, consider your future growth and expansion plans. Will your name still be flexible as your business evolves?

Think about the long-term goals and vision for your business and ensure that the name aligns with this. Does it limit your options for expanding into new products or services?

Choose a name that can grow with your business.

Case study: When ZekiTek first approached Focused Marketing for a brand identity, it was called Smart Chakratec. We worked together with the goal to creating a more-distinct company name, flexible to encompass six product sub-brands. Landing on ZekiTek, the company now has a more-memorable name that will underpin plans for growth.

Read more about naming Zekitek, here.

Finalise and register your business name

Register your chosen name with your state or local government and obtain any necessary licenses or permits. More information on obtaining the right licences and registrations can be found here.

You may also need to register your business name as a trademark or domain name to protect your brand’s identity.


Selecting the perfect name for your new business can be a daunting task, but it’s important not to get too caught up in the process.

Remember that your business name is just the first step in building a successful brand. While it’s crucial to make a good first impression, it’s ultimately up to you to deliver on your promises and exceed customer expectations. So take the time to choose a name that resonates with your vision and values, and then focus your energy on making your business a true success story.

Ready to choose the perfect business name for your brand? Start brainstorming today and see what you come up with!

Have questions or need help choosing a business name? Contact us today and our team will be happy to Make It Happen!