HR synergy consulting

HR synergy consulting

HR synergy consulting

Logo Design | Style Guide | Strategy | Website Design | Copywriting | Business Cards | Marketing Assets


Founded by HR executive and thought leader, Sonia La Penna, HR Synergy Consulting are Brisbane-based HR advisors.

Sonia’s personal profile is strong and we aimed to use this to leverage her company brand, while communicating their core values of being professional, clear and thorough in their advice. HR Synergy Consulting had an existing website but it didn’t deliver on these core brand promises. There was also no logo or consistent branding in place.

Focused Marketing was tasked with implementing a complete new brand including a style guide and new website.


We took onboard Sonia’s preferences for a logo and brand that was stylish, clean and minimal, utilising lots of white space and minimal “pops” of colour.

Sonia had expressed her liking of monogram style logos. While we initially experimented with the letters “HRSC”, these letterforms didn’t complement each other well so a new approach was required. We eventually decided to work with the letters “S” and “C” for “Synergy” and “Consulting”, as these letters could be elegantly combined to create a flowing monogram logo that embodies the synergy aspect of the brand.


We supplied the client with a style guide and logos in a range of formats. We produced business cards with rounded edges to complement the rounded forms of the monogram, and a silver foil logo to reflect the premium service on offer. The HR Synergy Consulting website was launched in early March 2021, with copy, website development and design by our team. Moving forward, Sonia can take great pride in having a beautiful and unified brand presence that will deliver confidence to clients that they are in safe hands – but not boring hands.

Merthyr medical Centre

Merthyr medical Centre

Merthyr medical Centre



Merthyr Medical Centre, located in the trendy inner-city suburb of New Farm, had been in operation for over 30 years yet had never had a logo. Patient intake was down and the market was increasingly competitive. Merthyr Medical Centre therefore needed a strong brand presence to move forward, that aligned with their core values of knowledge, professionalism and consistency, with the utmost focus on patient care.


We created a brand that feels friendly and approachable, with flowing rounded forms and a slightly rounded sans serif font. The logo represents the clinic’s priority on excellent customer service and human-to-human connection through stylised human forms, while also incorporating a stylised “M” for Merthyr.


We applied the new logo across a range of assets, giving Merthyr a cohesive, professional brand that was long overdue! The logo was designed to work effectively across everything from uniforms to social media, to appointment cards, to the clinic signage.

The modernised brand appeals to the relatively youthful demographic of New Farm, and sets the clinic up to attract new clients in the future.

RM Wealth

RM Wealth

RM Wealth



RM Wealth are an established team of financial advisors who provide personalised financial advice and management to high-net-worth individuals, business owners, professionals and family groups.

We were approached by RM Wealth to update their visual identity and website. They required a website to act as a point of reassurance for their solid client base and new client referrals.


We undertook a brand discovery workshop to inform the development of a new website and the refinement of RM Wealth’s brand. The new brand identity was created to reflect the RM Wealth team, conveying peace of mind, security, and trust. The existing logo was given a subtle refresh, supported by the development of a style guide to ensure brand consistency. This included an expanded colour palette and new typography guidelines.


RM Wealth’s new website showcases their depth of experience, professionalism and expertise, creating a more informative and engaging user experience. The website and revamped brand identity will act as a foundation for RM Wealth’s continuing success.

Venro finance

Venro finance

Venro finance



With over 50 years of collective experience, finance experts Rohan Reibelt and Stephen Dionysius approached Focused Marketing ready to branch out and start a business they could call their own.

The as-yet unnamed business would leverage Rohan and Stephen’s wealth of knowledge spanning all areas of finance. Throughout their individual careers, Rohan and Stephen had helped hundreds of happy customers acquire property, refinance, and restructure debt portfolios – simplifying what is often an arduous and stressful process.

Rohan and Stephen didn’t want to conform to the stuffy, ultra-corporate image many associate with finance businesses. They needed a bold brand identity to capture their down-to-earth energy and resolute passion for connecting their clients with the best loan possible.


Focused Marketing started with an in-depth brand discovery workshop to truly get to know the business. We workshopped several names with Stephen and Rohan, and chose a merging of their first names: Venro.

Venro’s brand identity was inspired by punchy red, black and white designs and geometric shapes and patterns. The logo features bouncing
rounded lines that represent a stylisation of the letters “v” and “r” for Venro, which also form the brand pattern.

We developed every aspect of the brand ahead of its impending launch. This included workshopping the key messaging, copywriting, designing the website, facilitating a photo shoot, assisting with setting up a Google business account, setting up social channels, creating business cards and templates, and ensuring that all touchpoints were consistently branded when the business was ready to go live.


With Focused Marketing directing the change communications, Venro were able to transition many of their existing clients.

Venro was launched in June 2022 to an overwhelming amount of support from their client community.

By investing in their branding and marketing from the very inception of their new business, Venro have been able to maximise the impact of their business’ launch, while fortifying client trust with a professional brand image.

Check out their website here.




PR | Logo Design | Graphic Design | Brand Management| Digital Strategy | Website Development


Our client, QTAC, won a competitive tender to deliver an ongoing internship program for the Defence Industry, an initiative of the Australian Government. We were engaged to deliver the brand (logo, flyers, website) for this program and promote its existence to increase applications from both students and SMEs.


Our challenge was to develop a brand identity that represented the new name of the program, Defence Industry Internship Program (DIIP) and appealed to a broad range of stakeholders. We worked closely with QTAC to refine the brand identity of the program and create a logo to reflect this.

We then designed and built the website to ensure compliance with Australian standards for website content accessibility.


We developed and implemented a digital and PR campaign to attract both student and SME applicants to the program.