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Top 10 tips to celebrate 10 years of Canva

Top 10 tips to celebrate 10 years of Canva

In honour of 10 years of everyone’s favourite accessible design platform, we’re sharing our top 10 tips and tricks for non-designers. Canva’s simplicity, affordability and ease of use makes it an excellent tool in the belt for business marketing. However, many users...

Dogs in the office? Meet our Focused furry friends

Dogs in the office? Meet our Focused furry friends

Create a pet inclusive workplace: Our 5 benefits of having dogs in the office Did you know … More than two-thirds of Australian households now own a pet, with dogs accounting for 48% of these. The benefits of owning a pet are well known. But do these benefits transfer...

4 reasons you need brand guidelines

4 reasons you need brand guidelines

A clear and consistent visual identity is essential to the success of any thriving business. Your visual identity communicates your brand personality, sets you apart from competitors, makes your product or service recognisable, and establishes professionalism and...

5 reasons you need a graphic designer

5 reasons you need a graphic designer

We get it – when it comes to graphic design, it can sometimes seem like one of those things where you can cut corners. Your friend’s neighbour’s son might say he’s pretty nifty and offer to whip you up a logo in Powerpoint. Or you might be lured in by one of those...

Creativity counts

Creativity counts

It’s difficult to get by or get noticed in business these days without creative marketing. In our everyday lives we’re barraged with marketing, and we encounter a huge number of brands on a daily basis – both consciously and subconsciously. When we’re choosing a...

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