In honour of Women’s History Month, our team are giving a shout-out to the fearless, passionate, creative, resilient and wonderful women who inspire us.

Kerri, CEO

I am inspired by so many great women in my life. From friends and peers who have overcome the loss of a child or spouse; to those that have battled disease, divorce, created a business, lost a business, completed study whilst managing all of these; faced financial ruin or domestic violence, cared for and nurtured their children and others – both healthy and those with special needs; to the astounding strength and courage of my grandmother and my mother, and to my bright, funny and talented daughters who fill the room with so much joy… you are my inspiration. You are real, you are humble, and you are amazing, just the way you are.

Caitlin, Director of Strategic Marketing

Glitter Girl, aka Ceara McManus, is my inspiration. She’s so full of passion and energy – if it means something to her, she gets behind it 100%. Her list of causes is long, and her action is committed… education, literacy, arts, language, children, sustainability, the environment, her local community… I could go on.

Ceara was born to teach and inspire, with adults and children alike, she leaves a gift of passion for learning with her students. They love her, they thrive.

She’s a busy lady – she has volunteered for Radio Lollipop for ten years and now trains their volunteers internationally. She has recently started The Chalk Crew, to take her passion for children’s literacy to new places. She trains teachers, she supports her community, she is a published academic… oh, and she’s also my sister. I’m a lucky lady.

Ceara McManus in all her colourful glory

Kelsey, Graphic Designer

I find inspiration daily in the countless female creatives pushing boundaries in the design and illustration industry.

Like Mona Chalabi, a data journalist and writer who uses a playful illustrative style of infographic to discuss topical issues and statistics. Her work communicates often complex issues in a highly visual, simplified manner that makes it easy for the viewer to understand.

For many years I’ve followed Asmahan Mosleh (aka Murder and Rose) on social media, and I’m constantly in awe of her stunningly intricate mandala illustrations. Her attention to detail, usage of colour, and level of patience and dedication is outstanding.

I also really admire the work of designer and letterer Hom Sweet Hom, aka Lauren Hom. Her expressive freehand typography and quirky murals always bring a smile to my face. I also love the way Lauren gives back to the design community, through sharing her tutorials and resources, behind-the-scenes tips, and insights into her creative processes.

Lauren Hom with a mural she created at Google’s VR office, San Francisco. Source:

Tracy, Marketing & Administration Assistant

She is resilient, she is fierce, she is nine years old… my daughter is my inspiration. She swims six times a week and would happily live at the pool. It’s her absolute passion.

Last year she tackled the Individual Medley at a swim comp and was disqualified for an incorrect turn. She cried and was distraught… for five minutes… before announcing she would absolutely have to do the IM in the next available comp. She did, and smashed it. Her coach had promised he would run along the pool shouting – he did, and it was magnificent.

When she first started to compete, I remember her climbing out of the pool crying, “it’s too hard, I can’t do it”. I would ask if she wanted to get changed, and she would give me the “death stare”, fold her arms and say “I do not“, before marching back to the pool. Her recent race of choice is the notoriously challenging 100 fly. I explained she didn’t have to do it. “I want to do the race, I just need to work out how.”

Her nickname at the pool is “little one”, but she is anything but.

Tracy’s daughter in action

Casey, Communications & Marketing Consultant

A historical figure I’m inspired by is Emily Dickinson, a famous American poet who was little known in her life yet is now regarded as one of the most influential poets in history. Of her poems I particularly enjoy, I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed and Because I Could Not Stop for Death. I admire the passion and commitment she had for writing and the creativity in her work.

Emily Dickinson. Source: