We get it – when it comes to graphic design, it can sometimes seem like one of those things where you can cut corners. Your friend’s neighbour’s son might say he’s pretty nifty and offer to whip you up a logo in Powerpoint. Or you might be lured in by one of those increasingly ubiquitous online marketplaces that offer design services at prices that are too good to be true. Unfortunately, hiring an amateur designer or attempting to DIY can have a negative impact on your brand image, and consequently, your business. Effective visual communication is crucial to building a trusted, successful brand. Here’s our top 5 reasons why professional design services are worth investing in!

1. Make a positive, lasting first impression

Dodgy design can be an instant turn-off for potential clients or customers. It reflects poorly on your business and can make you appear unprofessional and unreliable. On the other hand, an experienced graphic designer will be an expert in visual communication. They’ll deliver high quality design that will strengthen your brand image, positioning you as a professional, credible brand. One that your customers want to be a part of.

2. Save time and money

“Design adds value faster than it adds costs.” – Thomas C. Gale. Graphic design should be an essential component of your business expenses – your time is better spent doing what you do best in business. A skilled graphic designer can create something far more effective and in a fraction of the time it would take a non-designer, or to attempt yourself. And importantly, they’ll get it right the first time. If you start off with a poorly designed logo or website for example, chances are at some point it will need to be redone and end up costing you all over again. High quality design converts and is a future-proof investment that will pay itself off time and time again.

3. Bespoke designs that are perfect for their purpose

You get what you pay for rings true here. Online marketplaces (like Fiverr and friends) value price and speed, versus quality and care. They can offer such stunningly low rates because of an oversaturation of unskilled designers who frequently produce poor quality and/or unoriginal work. These online marketplaces also give the impression that design should be cheap, and that it has very little worth. This just isn’t the case! Not to mention the exploitative nature of these sites with their high commissions, questionable marketing and other problematic practices. In contrast, engaging a professional graphic designer will ensure you receive original, high quality designs that have been carefully and skilfully tailored for your precise preferences and needs.

Additionally, with the rapid uptake of Canva, we’re noticing the overuse of pre-formatted templated designs on social media. Certain templates start “trending” and are adapted by a huge array of businesses, and their online presences inevitably begin to look very samey. Canva is a great tool, but it’s worthwhile having a designer set up some customised, branded Canva templates to differentiate you from the masses.

4. High quality finished results

A graphic designer will have the creative capabilities, technical prowess and industry-leading software to get you the best results. They’ll have experience in outputting files to the right specifications for a range of digital or printed formats. They’ll know what to check and how to troubleshoot to make sure your finished artwork looks perfect. No pixelated, low-resolution photo or incorrectly formatted logo will stand a chance. They’ll also be happy to talk you through why certain design choices have been made, or advise on paper stocks, special finishes, or creative touches that will elevate the design even further. In short, they’ll be an expert in their field, and will work with you to achieve excellent results.

5. Reap the rewards of consistency

Consistency builds credibility. When you find a designer (or creative team) that you “click” with, it pays to stick with them over time. A good designer will get to know your brand inside out and know how to best translate it visually, and in a cost and time-efficient way. They’ll know your brand style guide front to back, and familiarise themselves with all the nuances of your visual identity. If your design responsibilities are continuously bounced from person to person (especially if they’re inexperienced), discrepancies are likely to slip through. Inconsistency cheapens your visual identity and causes it to lose focus. Building a strong working relationship with an experienced designer pays off, by resulting in consistent and on-brand design that builds customer trust and enables your brand to look its very best.

A good graphic designer is an expert in visual communication; how your brand presents itself to the world – an essential aspect of every business’s success. They want your business to look good, and to thrive. Our experienced team would love to help, so if you’re having doubts in the design department – please get in touch.