


Logo Design | Style Guide | Strategy | Website Design and Development | Copywriting | Business Cards


WorkHaven is an organisation that implements domestic and family violence (DFV) programs in workplaces to create a culture of zero tolerance towards DFV. WorkHaven’s programs equip victims with the skills to transition out of the DFV environment, and ensure they are receiving adequate support at work.

Focused Marketing was tasked with implementing a complete brand refresh including a style guide and new website.


The brand needed to reflect the sensitive nature of their work whilst asserting Workhaven’s expertise and professionalism in the field. DFV can affect anyone, so it was critical that the brand did not make any particular individual or workplace feel excluded. It needed to exude warmth and support bolstered by expertise, data and experience.

A new colour palette was developed featuring bold colours to represent strength and survival, accented by soft, pastel colours to highlight WorkHaven’s caring, sensitive nature. The fonts and logos chosen featured soft, rounded elements to promote feelings of community and support. Each design element was selected with the brand’s mission in mind.


We delivered a new website guided by the newly developed brand. The colour palette gives the website a striking first impression without being too loud or confronting. The website features images of the shoes of different types of workers including high heels, steel-cap boots, dress shoes, hospital shoes and the like. These images were selected to demonstrate the importance of implementing DFV policies across all types of workplace; regardless of industry. The use of feet exclusive of faces or other defining features meant that no specific type of individual is not represented in the imagery.

The fresh, clean look and feel of the website delivers WorkHaven’s professionalism and expertise, accented by the soft pastels, gentle typography and rounded brand elements to bring through feelings of warmth and inclusiveness.

Fresh start for me

Fresh start for me

Fresh Start For Me



Created by a qualified coach, Fresh Start For Me offers online programs to guide people going through a divorce or separation. The 10-week long program offers support and motivation through these challenging times and empowers participants to carve out an even greater life than before.

The existing logo and branding was inconsistent and lacking in polish, and detracted from the credibility, legitimacy and expertise of the program.


Focused Marketing developed four logo concepts for the client’s consideration. The client preferred the concept most similar to the original logo, representing a sunrise over the hills and green leaves – symbols of growth, hope and new beginnings. We pared back the colour palette to use more calming shades of green and blue.

We created a style guide and applied the new logo across all of the program documentation. We developed a beautiful and functional new website, writing all of the copy as well.


The new website went live and the client began rolling out the new branding across their social media. The Fresh Start For Me brand now presents as a professional service, and the program is preparing for big things in the coming months – watch this space!

If you or someone you know may benefit from the program, you can learn more here.

Mrs Clucks

Mrs Clucks

Mrs Clucks

Retainer | Graphic Design | Marketing Assets | Business Cards


Mrs Clucks is a brand of pasture eggs established in South Australia and Queensland, sourcing eggs from open paddock roaming hens. Mrs Clucks had also licensed special chicken campervans to support egg production. The Coopecabana chicken campervan is locally designed and manufactured in Australia, powered by solar panels, and utilises intuitive design for the housing of free range chickens in open pasture.

Focused Marketing was engaged to pitch their high quality brand of eggs to potential stockists, restaurants and cafes, as well as promote the Coopecabana investment opportunity.


Focused Marketing redeveloped the Mrs Clucks brand by refreshing the logo and colour palette, while keeping Mrs Clucks’ signature shade of hot pink. We designed a suite of marketing assets such as business cards, flyers and brochures.

We worked closely with the client to write and design a 42-page Information Memorandum detailing the Coopecabana investment.


The Information Memorandum was supplied in a digital format for easy emailing to investors, with an editable form that submitted the document back to the client’s email.

Mrs Clucks sales continue to burgeon, as the brand experiences growth and expands egg production both in Queensland and interstate.